Theme workshop fallout shelter
Theme workshop fallout shelter

Intentional spoilers will result in a ban. Titles and comments containing spoilers may be removed without notice. We are not /r/gaming.Ĥ) Use and abuse spoiler tags when applicable. It's currently now available for android, ios and even PC.ġ) Posts must be directly related to Fallout: Shelter.Ģ) Image macros / Memes are not permitted as posts.ģ) Unnecessary flaming, personal attacks, etc will be removed. The main objective is to expand your vault to gather resources, knowledge. What's Fallout Shelter?įallout Shelter is a mobile game where you create and manage your own vault as a overseer at Vault-Tec. Your number one place for all things Fallout: Shelter.

theme workshop fallout shelter

  • Fallout Shelter Update ideas thread | 7-16-2016.
  • theme workshop fallout shelter

  • Fallout Shelter Strategy Discussion archive.
  • The new update will be available sometime in July, with Fallout Shelter making its way to PC that same month. Finally, you will be able to send dwellers to different locales in order to complete quests. The update will include a revamped combat system that will let players drag their finger to the enemies they want to target, as well as additional locales, characters, and enemies. On a related note, Bethesda announced an update to Fallout Shelter, available for iOS and Android, which the publisher said was the most-played Bethesda game in the company’s history. Nuka-World will be available sometime in August. Howard also revealed that Nuka-World will be Fallout 4’s last DLC. Thirdly, the Nuka-World DLC will take place in the iconic soft drink’s themed pre-war amusement park. According to Bethesda’s Todd Howard, the park has been taken over by bandits, with the DLC pack similar to Far Harbor in that it is filled with story content. Vault-Tec Workshop will be available for download sometime in July. In addition, you can also experiment on dwellers, which should make for some comical videos.

    theme workshop fallout shelter

    As you create your Vault, however, you are bound to come across enemies in your way, so you will need to keep an eye out for any nasty surprises. Moving on to Vault-Tec Workshop, this DLC pack takes a cue from Bethesda’s Fallout Shelter mobile title by letting players create their own Vaults.

    Theme workshop fallout shelter